Friday, July 5, 2013

June 2013--Great Start to Summer

June was a great way to start our summer. It started with a celebration party for Wendy completing her Master's degree in Education. We had a fun time fellowshipping with friends and family that have supported Wendy over the past two years as she worked on her degree. The school year wrapped up for the kids--Erin finished third grade and Kyle sixth grade. Then it was off to Florida for a family vacation (which was documented daily here already). After returning home, we relaxed and got caught up on mail, laundry, and sleep. The month ended with us enjoying an evening cruise in Huntington Harbor with Wendy's good friend Sandi, as we celebrated Sandi's birthday. Can't wait to see what July has in store for us.

Gathering for prayer at the party

Erin is ready for the boat ride

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