Friday, June 19, 2015

Day 14--St. Louis and the Jones' Farm

Today was an interesting day. It started out with a bit of stress and tension, but ended with fun and relaxation. While traveling on our trip, a rock decided to hit the windshield of our rental car. Instead of just a little ding, it started to "spider" across. So Dan took the car to a place to get it fixed in the morning. Unfortunately, they couldn't find one to fit--which took several hours to figure out. Meanwhile, Erin and Wendy were back at the hotel, waiting.
Finally, we were starting our day. We went to the Anheuser-Busch Brewery for a tour. This is the original brewery. We first went to see some Clydesdales. Then into various parts to see different parts of the process. (Of course, we had to walk from place to place, outside, in the rain!) It was an okay tour. (Dan and Wendy had been to their Brewery in Ft. Collins, and felt that the tour there, was much better.) Dan did get to taste some free samples, which he needed after his morning.
Then it was on to the Jones' Farm. This is an old neighbor of Wendy's, and she hadn't seen her and her sister in about 25 years. (Have to love Facebook, for connecting people together.) They own a chicken hatchery. The kids ran around and played with the dogs, the rope swing, and just ran around in all the open space.We enjoyed a home-cooked meal, played board games, had a bonfire--complete with s'mores! It was a very good way to end our day.

Enjoying the Bonfire

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