Monday, June 20, 2016

Day 3--North Shore

Today we went to the North Shore. First, we found a good spot to stop and went snorkeling. We had a great time. Next, we stopped at Turtle Beach, and we were hoping to see some turtles. Luckily, we did. It is amazing how they just swim right out of the water, come to shore, and then just hang out for a bit. Next it was on to paddle boarding. We lasted about 2 hours--through some rain and shine. When it was raining, we tried to stay under a bridge to wait it out. When it got really warm and sunny, we just floated along and enjoyed the sunshine. We paddled over 3 miles before we were done. We had a great time! We could not leave the North Shore without having some shaved ice to end our time. Then it was off to find out hotel in Waikiki.
Erin and her turtle friend

Paddle boarding

Shaved Ice

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