Thursday, July 12, 2012

Day 12--Badlands

A Jackalope


 Today started out very interesting. Wendy wanted to go back to Mount Rushmore because she didn’t have any pictures of her or the entire family in front of the Men. It was just going to be a quick stop. As we were walking in the parking lot, Erin realized that she left Flat Suzie in the car. Erin and Dan headed back to the car to retrieve her, while Kyle and Wendy walked ahead. It was taking a long time for Erin and Dan to catch up. Apparently, Suzie had decided to run away and was not in the car. They went into the visitor center to see, if by some small miracle, she had been left there, two days before. She was there, safe and sound. Suzie had been helping the rangers out and learning a lot, they even took pictures with her. Erin was happy to have found her. Back on the road, we stopped at the famous Wall Drug. It was a fun place. The kids even rode a jackalope! We then went to the Badlands. It was actually pretty, in its’ own way. The kids loved climbing all over the rocky landscape. We are staying in a nice little cabin for the night.
Climbing on the Badlands

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