Thursday, July 12, 2012

Day 14--More Little House

Getting the horses ready

Ingalls Home
Last night was fun sleeping in the covered wagon. It was a very windy evening, but we survived it fine. This morning started with the kids getting to help get the horses ready for the Homestead. (Thanks, Judy, for telling us to ask the night before—it was only our kids!) They got to feed, brush, and harness the horses. They then ran around some more with some new friends they had made. We then went to town and took a tour of some of the homes—the surveyor’s house, and the house pa built—all from the books! It was neat to see the actual places that we have been reading about in the books. Tonight we are staying in a bed and breakfast, two doors down from the house pa built. It was a great trip to Little Town on the Prairie, DeSmet, South Dakota. Tomorrow we head to the family reunion, so no internet again…you will all have to wait until Sunday night to read our blog. 

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